
Web Animation at Work

We use HTML to tell stories and
communicate vast amounts of
information—and animation helps us
do both better. Just as hierarchy
guides users through content,
animation guides them through
interactions by helping them
understand relationships, structure,
cause, and effect. Rachel Nabors
explains her fascination with CSS3
animations, Canvas, SVG, the web
audio API, webGL, and all the rest,
and explains why we need web
animation—and web animators.

UI Animation and UX: A Not-So-Secret Friendship

The words “web animation” make
many of us search frantically for the
“skip intro” button, but adding
motion to our work can be
meaningful and functional—when we
find the right circumstances.
Animation can provide cues, guide
the eye, and soften the sometimes-
hard edges of web interactions. Val
Head shows you how CSS makes it


Graphic >before hair desiners

If you’re thinking of working with a
designer for your next web project
and aren’t sure where to begin, Mike
Monteiro has you covered. His new
book, You’re My Favorite Client,
walks you through the entire process
of finding, hiring, and working with a
designer from a manager’s
perspective. In this excerpt from
Chapter 2, Mike lays out the first steps
for figuring out just what kind of
designer you need in the first place—
and how you’ll find the right
candidates for the job.